Friday, February 15, 2008

Joy or Pleasure

True growth of the spirit is
when you have no one else to turn to
Nothing else to hide behind
No more excuses to give
It is then when my true being comes into existence
or acknowledge

This is the time when true understanding is felt
Not taught
Understanding is not of the mind
It is of the heart
O the spirit of who I am. Who if, it is my choice to become
Everyone live in fear
In conditioning of who and what we should be
And we become what the world want us to be
And what is that? Confusion, Pain, Misdirected energy
and more importantly death
Death of the spirit. Death of our innocence
Death to who we felt we were and wanted to be
Is it the world fault?
Or is it we are without knowledge, without guidance
Without the the true understanding of being from people who knows

It is a battle
A battle with the world we live in
A world we do not know. A world that lead us to where we are
Yet we are guided by the spirit
The spirit knows only joy
The spirit craves for joy
In our limited world we live what we think joy constitute
We live in the pleasure of the tongue
we live in the pleasure of the touch
we live in the pleasure of the sight
we live in the pleasure of the smell
we live in the pleasure of the mind
but the pleasure of the spirit is stifled
We give only in hope we get
And yet that bring us to where we are
Lifeless. Joyless. Spiritless.

This is good
This is where true living begins
This is where true search begins
The beginning of being who we are
And not what the world want us to be

It is a tremendous feeling
Not one that the world believe in
Not one that the world would understand
Because the world can be a bottomless pit
We keep digging deeper in the hope that our pain will be relieve
Our loneliness will be fulfilled
We keep the appearance and we numb ourselves

It is a wonderful drug
It keep us sane, it keep us from growing
It is the path of least resistance as the least pain is felt
Where no effort is needed

This we are reduce to
The science of modern living, the quick fix
We live in a world where the joy of strive is not recommended
We live in the world of instant noodle
Two minutes and your appetite will be satiated
There is no nourishment in that
It is only the satiation of appetite
Not he spirit
The spirit is not important
Only what I appear to be
To be accepted is more important than
who I really am
Who I can be
What I am made of

I live in a world of who I can be is much more important than who I am
A world where who I am is not important
Just a place where I can belong
where I can be a slave to

it does not matter where others are lost
It begins with me
more importantly my spirit is not lost
This is resurrection, this is what it means
We are not dead, the old ways are dead
The spirit is now resurrected, this is the way of Christ
this is what is meant by resurrection
Not the body but the spirit

The time is now right
The journey is just beginning.
And the real time starts in 2010
When the world start coming to its senses
or will it just be a phase that we go through
Time heals and the world soon forget
Including myself

Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Idea of Living

The idea of living

living begins when I decide
who I am is more important that what I have
to live the life of what I thought I should be
who I should be
why I should be
and yet I am not fulfilled
I am not happy.
cause I have not found myself
my inner being
who I am
who I want to be
and live as I believe

I live as the world thought I should be. I live as I was taught how to be
and yet I live as others live
a life of quiet desperation
despair, pain, emptiness
cos I am living as to who I should be not who I am
who then is the I?

the dreamer, the spirit, the wanting of joy, the wanting of being
just who I am
the little ripple in this ocean
the one with heart to say
this is who I am
this is who I want to be
and yet the whole world don't want us to be
we are to live as they live
cos it is the only way they know how
we live like crabs in a basket
pulling each other back into the basket

then how do I start living?
when there is no where else to go
when there is no one where else to turn to
except it is only me

it is now my choice
now it is who I choose to be
it is this moment that my life might be transformed

dare I make that choice
or am I just another puppet in the lives of others?

it is now I make the decision
it is now or never
have I got the courage?
do I decide I have got what it takes?
life goes in full circle and it is this point that I will return

A decision not made

is that a choice too hard to make?
is that a choice a pain too hard to bear?

this is what maketh a being
a who
a what

A hero

Make a choice

Do I dare live as I believe?

it is a call to live

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Just Be It

An interesting thought today.

The shift of focus. Am and always being focusing on what I want to have. And that is an impending event. An impending event will always be an impending event.

Therefore the reason for one to be grateful. Gratefulness makes one focus on the now. What we have and who we are now.

It is 'To Be' that is more important than 'To Have'.

You cannot have what you want without being what you want. This is the key.

When I am being kind, focus, discipline, organise, all the 'have' is a given.

Now it is who I have to be before what my goals are can be achieved. Robert Kiyosaki had said this. He want to make a million dollars a day and he said it is not because he is greedy.
He is excited about it because it is who he has to become before that can happen.

Never fully appreciated the meaning of what he said till this thought came to my head.

Nike has has said it very well 'Just Do It'

Now I believe it is 'Just Be It'